How to remove the mold and the cost of cleaning the glove.


Let’s take a look at how to remove mold from the glove and how much it costs to clean it.

How to remove mold.

First, prepare a wet mop and wipe the mold as much as possible. When most molds are removed, let’s dry the gloves and then use leather lotion or conditioner to trim them. I also recommend you to use a leather detergent on the market.

It can’t be completely removed.

Unfortunately, once a mold grows in the glove, it is said to be difficult to eradicate. This is because the above method can not remove mold that penetrates deep into leather fiber. It is not possible to wash the whole thing in the washing machine, so it is important to take care of the mold as carefully as possible so that it does not reproduce the rest.

How to take care of gloves to prevent mold and precautions.

As I told you, once grown, the mold in the glove is completely removed. Therefore, when you are wet with sweat or rain, it is important to take good care of it and try not to grow mold. Lastly, I will explain how to protect gloves from mold.

Prevent mold!How to take care of wet gloves.

  1. Use a dry cloth to drop as much mud as possible on the surface.
    2. Roll up the newspaper and put it in the finger bag.
    3. From palm to toe, roll up the towel and fill it up.
    4. Put it upside down in a well-ventilated shade.

Let’s dry it naturally by the procedure above. It is also recommended to hit the wind with a fan. Once it’s completely dried, let’s do it with leather lotion and so on as usual. Also, in the case of gloves wet with sweat, wipe your palm or helileather with a dry cloth. Of course, if there are any other stains, you should remove them together.

Things you shouldn’t do when your gloves get wet.

  • Heat up the hot air of the dryer.
  • Hang it on the clothes dryer.
  • Put it in direct sunlight, etc.

It is important to dry gloves wet with sweat or rain quickly to prevent mold. However, gloves made of leather are vulnerable to heat. If you try to dry it in the same way as above, it will shorten the life of the glove, so please be careful.

In conclusion, it is.

The mold in the glove is hard to remove from the roots. In addition to daily care, especially when you get wet with sweat or rain, make sure to take care of it carefully to prevent mold. If it grows, remove it as much as you can with a wet rag and trim it with leather lotion. You may not be able to remove the severe mold, but why don’t you bring it to the store and discuss whether it can be cleaned or not?

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