■ Brain hemorrhage.
It is a disease where blood vessels in the brain are torn and bleeding occurs. If you compare it to tangerine, there is a bleeding in the fruit. Mostly due to high blood pressure. Symptoms such as headache, unconsciousness, nausea and paralysis appear. Of course, in this case too, it is an ambulance.
■ Brain tumor.
It’s a tumor that can be created in the brain. It causes various headaches, from light headaches to severe headaches. Sometimes it can be accompanied by nausea or something. It makes me very nervous if I write like this, but don’t worry because the frequency is not that high. You can find it at CT、MRI. See ‘What is CT、MRI?’ for more information about CT、MRI. The department you need to see is neurosurgery.
■ Chronic subdural hematoma.
It is a disease that is common to the elderly. But even young people can be found in cases such as “I am drunk and don’t remember well, but I hit my head.” After hitting the head, the blood builds up slowly above the spider membrane and under the dura (under the skin and outer skin of tangerines) and compresses the brain (hematoma).
Be careful if you have symptoms such as “I have become a fool in the past month,” “I have been losing my temper in the past two months,” and “I have become more and more difficult to walk in a month.” It is often mistaken for dementia.
It will be better to remove the hematoma as soon as possible, so if you have a fusi, go to neurosurgery.
It is characterized by a fever, a cold, and a headache, and the back of the neck is somewhat stiff. It is a condition of inflammation due to viruses and germs in the meninges that surround the brain. The medical department is internal medicine.
In addition, glaucoma, an eye disease, and sinusitis, a nasal disease, can cause headaches. If you have a headache that you are curious about, check it on the dangerous headache check list below.
How to distinguish a dangerous headache, symptoms check list… If it is the case, go directly to the hospital.
In short, remember, “If you have a sudden and severe headache, a strange consciousness or paralysis, go straight to the hospital!” Please refer to the checklist below for more information.
Of course, migraines can be nauseating, and not all of these headaches are irreversible. However, there are important points such as whether the pain is severe, all of a sudden, whether it is going to get worse, whether you have neurological symptoms (memory disorders, cramps, etc.), whether you have a fever, whether you have hit your head hard, and whether or not to get sick early in the morning.
■ Dangerous headache checklist.
- Headaches I’ve never had before.
- A headache that is definitely different from usual.
- A headache with a strong pain.
- A sudden headache. For example, an intense headache like being hit by a bat.
- Headaches that occur early in the morning, especially early in the morning.
- The headache gets worse day by day.
- A strong headache that goes on for a long time (for example, more than a week).
- A headache where things look double or things become invisible.
- Headaches with paralysis, numbness, cramps, etc.
- A headache that makes you unconscious or makes you talk about something you don’t know.
- A headache that makes it difficult to speak, such as sluggishness.
- Headache with unconsciousness.
- Headaches with dizziness and nausea.
- Headache with high fever.
- It was my first headache since I got old.