Symptoms of group headache.
Symptoms of a cluster headache involve severe pain around one eye and inward with the other. At the same time, it reveals autonomic nerve symptoms such as tears, runny nose, stuffy nose, left and right differences in the pupil, eye congestion, and swelling and drooping.
One of the characteristics is that you can’t stay still when you have a group of headaches. During the seizure, it seems that it often involves violent actions such as wandering around the room, hitting the wall, hitting the head, or kicking the wall. This is in contrast to the characteristic of migraines, which is that it is more comfortable to lie still in a dark room.
The duration of the group headache is 15 to 180 minutes, and it occurs once or eight times a day. Sleep deprivation is also a serious problem because it often occurs late at night, such as AM1 to 3 o’clock, and once it occurs, it continues to occur for 1 to 2 months.
Diagnosis of group headache, lifestyle that I want to keep in mind, and how to cure it.
Because group headaches have a low incidence, they often seem to take time to reach the correct diagnosis. According to a report by Klapper and others, it takes an average of 6.6 years from the onset of the group headache, and the number of doctors who received it on average is 4.3 and the number of others other than the group headache is 3.9.
Because a group headache is highly involved in the autonomic nervous system, it is important to live a regular life during the headache (group stage). Also, alcohol is known to cause group headaches, so let’s refrain from drinking in the group.
It is also characteristic of group headaches that there are many people who smoke. Let’s try to quit smoking to get rid of the severe headache. I think there are many people who start quitting smoking because of a group headache.
Treatment and medicine for group headache.
In the case of a group of headaches, the effect is not real with internal medicine. Self-injection of smatoliptan is effective.
For group headaches treated in hospitals, verapamil (product name: wasolan) is prescribed as a first-line drug. Verapamil is an irregular medication, but it is most effective as a preventive medicine for group headaches. On the other hand, Lomerizin (product name: Teranas), which is effective for migraines, does not work.
Also, seizures are sudden and violent, so internal medicine is slow and does not realize the effect. Subdermal injection of smatoliptan, which is injected by oneself, is recommended as an effective treatment for seizures. The pen-type exclusive injector is designed to inject sumatriptan into the body without looking at the needle just by pressing the pen on the thigh.
A group headache is a headache that is likely to hit the target with self-diagnosis due to its intensity and characteristic autonomic nervous symptoms. If you think “Maybe it’s a group headache…”, don’t hesitate to see a headache outpatient. For a group of headaches, I can’t afford to hesitate to get proper treatment. Let’s choose the hospital well so that we can get rid of the headache as soon as possible.